This is not the end The Chameleons deserve -according to many of their fans, their best album is yet to come-; nevertheless the destiny is playing tricks again with The Chameleons, a band who never got the acknoledgement they deserved from the music business. A truncated end which does not either do justice to their discography, but an end we respect very deeply, because above everything the members of The Chameleons have to feel good inside the band, and if this does not happen for whatever reason, perhaps the best decision to take is to close chapter and begin new projects.
Mark, by his side and due to other kind of problems is closing his public email address, so he won´t be reachable anymore by the general public. As he has estated on the official forum, he will pass Mik - the webmaster of the official site- all the news concerning his musical career whenever there is something to be said . We hope the storm will soon pass, but nowadays it seems the Chameleons are badly hurt, and being very optimistic, it will take a very long time to hail their injuries. Will we have to wait for another 14 years?.
Perhaps this time is forever ...
From our side, we will be right here on this lonely island, as a tribute to one of the most special bands from the Manchester of the 80´s, and hoping this small fire will give light enough to let people know, what has been, what is and what will always be the magic and evocking sound of The Chameleons.
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