Mark Burgess and John Lever arrived in Donosti, with the rest of the band on 24th Nov 2012. It´s been now over a decade that they visited the Basque Country with the original band The Chameleons. Now, it´s ChameleonsVOX, without the presence of Dave Fielding and Reg Smithies, the band who performed a Live Show in Donosti at Intxaurrondoko Kultur Etxea, revisiting the classic songs of The Chameleons.
Mark, as in previous gigs with ChameleonsVOX, has taken again the bass guitar. The sound,
in general was quite good, although Mark was not at his best with his voice.
Nevertheless, that didn´t prevented the fans from enjoying a fantastic
show, remembering all those classic tunes, which were performed with respect and very close to the original guitar sounds of the Smithies-Fielding tandem.
The audience was eager for
listening to Chameleons songs, and good vibrations floated during all
the show in the venue. The band felt comfortable on stage.
This is the actual Chameleonsvox line-up:
- Mark Burgess - Voice & Bass guitar
- John Lever - Drums
- Chris Oliver - Guitars
- Neil Dwerryhouse - Guitars
This is the setlist of the Donosti show:
01- Swamp Thing
02- A Person Isn´t Safe Anywhere These Days
03- Looking Inwardly
04- Monkeyland
05- Up The Down Escalator
06- Perfume Garden
07- One Flesh
08- In Answer
09- I´ll Remember
10- Soul In isolation
11- Singing Rule Britannia
12- Caution
13- Second Skin
14- The Fan & The Bellows
15- In Shreds
16- Don´t Fall
More pics from this and other shows of ChameleonsVOX on this Picasa link.
We recorded some vids of the show. Image and sound is audience recording quality, so it does not reflect the real experience, but still good vids. Hope you like them!
Seen this marvelous group two times in the states and have never heard my favorite song, Up the Down Escalator. So thanks