Black Swan Lane, the project founded by Jack Sobel, originally of The Messengers, and which groups members of many different bands (like Mark Burgess, Andy Whitaker and Andy Clegg) has released a second album called The Sun and The Moon Sessions.
According to Black Swan Lane MySpace Web Site: "In November of 2008, Sobel joined the original members of the Post Punk band, The Sun and the Moon to play the first US date. Before and after the concert, some magic happened and Black Swan Lane will be releasing a new 18 track album in early 2009 entitled The Sun and the Moon Sessions. Featured on the new album are band members: Mark Burgess, Jack Sobel, Andy Clegg, Andy Whitaker, Kwasi Asante, John Kolbeck & Jimmy Oakes."
The new album and their previous one, A long Way from Home can be purchased on BSL Official Site or in Red Sun Records.
On the following link you can watch a video of Age End, the end title of the new album by BSL
And this is for all Chameleons fans. BSL playing Live Perfume Garden with Mark Burgess at the bass and vocals. Enjoy!
Perfume Garden